The COVID-19 pandemic that began almost two years ago has affected the supplies of many goods and materials used by countries around the world. In New Zealand, shortages in timber and construction materials have been reported. Last year when businesses around the world shut down, global demand skyrocketed by people shopping during lockdowns. The backlog of this demand has been unprecedented and the transport world has been slow to recover.
Although Allflow receives several overseas container shipments each year, so far the company has not seen a decrease in the availability of any of its supplies.
“We stock brands from around the world,” Amos says, “but about 75 percent of the actual product we order is coming from within New Zealand, so it’s close to home and available.
“Shipping containers with our orders have arrived as scheduled, so far. This year we have ordered the same amount of product from overseas as in any ‘normal’ year and we’ve not yet had any delays like the kinds talked about in the news, thankfully.”
Other countries have seen demand rocket after their lockdowns have lifted. Because New Zealand has avoided being locked down for the most part, Allflow says their business has remained steady since the early days of the pandemic. It doesn’t mean they are staying complacent, though.
“We are lucky that most of the products we sell are available to us from several sources, so if we can’t get something from one vendor, we call the next vendor who has usually been able to fill our order. It hasn’t happened often but it’s working for us,” Amos says.
Products in the shop are well stocked and Amos says that they have about six months’ worth of stock on larger items and one month’s worth on smaller items – many of which they can order and get restocked quickly.
“Customers don’t need to be concerned about availability of the products we sell, we are in a very good place with resourcing what we need and having it ready for them when they need it.”
Global supply shortages not affecting Allflow stock levels